Minggu, 25 Mei 2014

20 kalimat dengan istilah bisnis

Contoh kalimat bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan istilah bisnis
1.      We're prepared to offer $500 per unit/.
2.      I'm afraid we can't accept that price atau That's out of the question!
3.      And to my mind, that new operating system for our businesses revolves around three elements: autonomy, mastery and purpose.
4.      You must have a new invention for your menu
5.      This jewelry is the premium quality
6.      I will give an investment on your business
7.      is your company own by you or government?
8.      We are a company that run in textile commodity export
9.      America now has an inflation on their credit
10.  We choose only a competent people in their field for this company
11.  This building management is terrible!
12.  KPK investigated wawan’s company because of the corruption issue
13.  I run a property developer business
14.  Who is the contractor of this building
15.  Our profit from the new product has a specific increase.
16.  It’s a functional hardware for this project.
17.  I will search company that offer a trade credit.
18.   The infrastructure for this company will have  some change
19.  The former account manager gain so much respect.
20.  We start the building project this week.

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